Teaching Team
Leanne Maguire - Head Associate Teacher
Physie and dance has been a passion of mine since I was 5 years old. I love everything about it. The dancing, the exercise and the performing (sometimes). But most importantly the friendships, the community and fun that I get to share twice a week with my physie family. I have danced with different physie codes with different clubs over the years but that sense of community and friendship never goes away.
I joined Attitude Dance in 2012 when it formed with the APDA syllabus. Over the last few years I have been teaching the seniors and the ladies. I love being able to share my knowledge and often be taught new things in return. The most rewarding part is seeing the friends reach their goals whether that is at nationals or a beginner lady getting out on the floor for the first time. At Attitude Dance we hope as teachers to share our passion for dance and to create a supportive and encouraging environment so that our members will be inspired and challenged. I hope to see you at class in 2025! |
Christie Hill - Associate Teacher
Physie has been a huge part of my life. I attended my first Physie class was when I was 3 years old. After 12 years with BJP, I joined Attitude Dance in its inaugural year in 2012 and have loved being part of the incredible APDA community. I am a 10-time National finalist with some of my biggest achievements being a National 3rd place at Sydney Opera House in 2015, NSW State 4th place in 2021 and National 6th place at the ICC in 2022. With 25 years of Physie experience under my belt, I’ll be teaching the 13-15 years, and helping bridge the gap between junior and senior work while continuing to compete as an Open Elite Senior.
Karlie Hackfath - Associate Teacher
I have been a Physie girl and a dancer since the age of 3 and have competed at a National level since I was just 6 years old. I’ve qualified for countless National Finals, my highlights being placed National 6th on two occasions at the prestigious Sydney Opera House.
Outside the Physie world, I have competed in Eisteddfods, as well as performed in more than 10 different Musical Theatre productions including ‘Mary Poppins’, ‘Wicked’, and ‘Anything Goes’. My favourite was definitely playing the role of Sophie Sheridan in ‘Mamma Mia!’ “hung up my competition leotard” in 2017 and have since focused my competitive energy on teaching the students of Attitude Dance. In saying that though… You might see me back on the Physie stage again sometime soon… I have been a teacher since my Mum (Sharen)opened the club in 2012, and taught from Tiny Tots up to 13-15s for many years. I am now the Open Elite teacher, and the main choreographer for our annual End of Year Showcase and Presentation. I’m super excited for another fun year with Attitude Dance! I hope to see you there too! |
Lee Hill - Associate Teacher
I started my love of physie and dance as a 9 year old with Bjp in Sydney at the Maroubra Club, then with the Randwick Club, until moving to Coffs Harbour when I joined Attitude Dance. In 2012 my life long friend, Sharen Hackfath and I, decided to open Coffs Physie & Dance, a new, fun and exciting dance school affiliated with Australian Physie & Dance (APDA).
I have always loved competing in both individual and team competitons and have had a successful physie career with placings at Zone and National level and at the pinnical of Opera House. But what I Iove even more is being able to share my physie journey with my daughter Christie and my fabulous physie family! I'm excited to be able to continue in my role as Ladies and relief teacher in 2025 and help out where needed. Bring on the fun! Dance Passion Confidence |
Caitlin Cunningham - Associate Teacher
I started physie when I was 6 years old in 2009. I joined Attitude Dance in 2012 when the club was formed. Some achievements of mine are competing at the APDA junior nationals for 4 years in a row as a junior and receiving the club junior achievement award in my last year of juniors. My favourite physie moment as a senior was placing 6th with our 13-15s team in 2018. Physie is a big part of my life and a sport I love and can do with my mum, I’ve also made some amazing friendships over the years. I’m looking forward to teaching the 5-8s and Tiny Tots this year and guiding them as they start their physie journey as well as making sure they have loads of fun!!
Abigail Morris - Associate Teacher
I was seven years old when I started Physie in 2013, It is years later and I couldn't be happier that I was introduced to this amazing world of dance. I've had so many wonderful successes but the main things that stand out for me are the many years of being apart of nationals, and of course the amazing opportunity to be an assistant teacher over the past years. Being a dancer means you have goals to achieve, whether it's for health, improvement with dance, happiness or all around having a bit more fun! And that is exactly what we aim to help you achieve at Attitude Dance. I love helping, supporting and inspiring the little ones to do their best. I promise to be committed, supportive, helpful, fun and caring. I can't wait to teach the 9-12 year olds this year. Physie brings me happiness because I can do what I love while also having fun. It also brings me excitement, for competitions, for teaching and learning new things to help me improve. Physie to me isn't just a club, it's my second family, I hope to see others join the APDA community and create another little family for themselves!!
Assistant teachers
Sharen Hackfath - Club Mentor
On announcing my retirement from teaching, I was honoured and humbled to be asked to remain on as CLUB MENTOR and Vice President. I began my Physie career as a junior, combining Physie with my love for Gymnastics. I was an assistant coach for my gymnastic school. In 2005 I began teaching Physie. Having two daughters, Karlie and Jorgie, with a passion for dance, in 2012 I approached my dearest physie lifelong friend, Lee Hill, and we decided to open our own school under the Australian Physie and Dance (APDA) umbrella to incorporate more modern movement and contemporary dance.And so, under the awesome support of our current President and my husband Greg Hackfath, Coffs Harbour Physie and Dance (CPAD) evolved and became the friendly and successful dance school as we know it today!
I have had many successes, inclusive of the winning 13/14 year team of 2010 in Sydney, and National Championship places in the Ladies, and in seniors at the pinnacle of Opera House. Having my daughter, Karlie as an Associate by my side, we have had winning Junior teams at zone every year, with many juniors each year qualifying for the National Championships, and places in the Sydney Championships for Seniors and Ladies teams! I am very proud to have been a part of these successes including the ‘proud Mumma moments’ of Karlie placing twice in the Elite Seniors and the highlight of my Jorgie placing second in 2019 and qualifying for the Prestigious National GRAND final. I look forward to being able to assist teachers and members as a Mentor if required! Bring on another successful year of Physie and Dance. At Attitude Dnace we encourage our members to DANCE with PASSION and CONFIDENCE! |